Once a firm believer in the practice of made marriages, I accidentally stumbled upon Gita Hariharan's "The Thousand faces of the night " and Jaishree Misra's "Ancient Promises" in the college library and life has never been the same.. It's not a very practical thing to take everything a book claims and live in the unreal world of romance fiction.True. Both the novels show you the cons of marrying and living with a man you scarcely know.Of course, I'm not biased against similar experiences men undergo, but being a woman ,myself, I can identify with the angst of the protagonists' search for..fulfillment, through freedom , as in Devi's story or through love, as in Misra's novel. I used to think ,and still do ,that when parents take our lives into their hands and decide who we spend the rest of our lives with ,they're doing it with open eyes.But things could either be all rosy or all ugly after that first step. The question is," How...