I realised today that it's been over a year since I last accessed my blog. I'd even forgotten my blog id. Ahem, a year of surfing the web for body shop updates, other people's blogs( especially the colorful ones with food written in bold) and searching for terms like "weight gain", "Detox diet", "stress", "acne" etc can take its toll on your, otherwise sporadic, blogging habits. So, today I even took the trouble to acquaint myself with the new (for me) additions to the layout (yes, I wasn't lying when I said, over a year) and added a few tools here and there to make sure my page looks as lively as some of the other I have listed on my *I like* list. Oh well, will get back to active blogging and writing in a while..afterall, the time is all mine..:) (ok, for at least a while more)
a pool of mystic blue a parched sky and a pillar of strength changing the old ways of the earth planting new trees feeding.gently moulding. a slab of see-through glass and my Soul to give. I live and exist. You, love. anonymous singers and a sea of gold a tuneless whistle and a graceful bow. interlinked Fingers and curly Hair. the shadow of a Smile. the Eyes of a mystic. countless stars .and a green horizon. one, two or three..the numbers grow. a reed of music. and a jet plane. a quest for the truth. unsullied. a colour so new and pure. old habits DIE.Hard. crossing the threshold of thorns wiping the dust off those roads. a new path.new hopes. warm tingles at the base of a heart. someday it shall be so. painted roads and red alleys. humming the happy blues. an eye ,that nose.. a Red, red rose. And those little Words.. at the Harp.